
Partnering With Nonprofits

Partnering With Nonprofits

When local businesses and nonprofits partner, each has the potential to reap plenty of benefits. The business can see a boost in sales be recognized in the community while the nonprofit can build greater awareness of its cause and potentially expand its donor base. These partnerships are a win-win situation.

The Business Benefits of Partnering with a Nonprofit

For many local businesses, deciding to partner with a nonprofit may seem like a disconnect, especially when trying to bring value to their brand and increase the bottom line. But that is far from the truth.

5 Excellent Reasons To Partner With A Nonprofit

  • Add Reach To Marketing Campaigns – Nonprofits can create new opportunities for your marketing campaigns by engaging with their members, which has the potential of adding additional revenue, sales, and profits.
  • Build Brand Awareness – Businesses who partner with a nonprofit can create a bridge linking their business and the nonprofit. This connection furthers the understanding and appreciation for both organizations.
  • Greater Connection With Your Target Audience – By aligning your business with a cause that connects with your target audience, you deepen the connection with your audience.
  • Create New Networking Opportunities – Partnering with a nonprofit exposes your organization to a new audience and contacts – opening the door to potential new partners and customers.
  • Help Your Community– Local businesses are encouraged to give back to their communities through their day-to-day business. Partnering with a nonprofit allows you to specifically choose causes you care about and which are consistent with your brand, goals, and values. 

Even More Benefits Of Partnering With A Nonprofit 

Local businesses feel the pressure and responsibility to give back and be involved in local issues and organizations. One of the ways they can help nonprofits and engage others at the same time is by creating company matching programs. In these programs, the company matches individual donations allowing the donations to quickly add up. Matching programs are an effective way to increase the support you give to a nonprofit and more including:

  • Encourages employees, staff, and business partners to join your efforts to make a difference in the community 
  • Makes raising funds and awareness easier than without a matching program
  • Demonstrates your commitment to others and your community 
  • Allows you to build awareness campaigns, fundraising efforts, and team-building activities to benefit others

Choosing DSCC As A Nonprofit Partner

Most people know an older adult and understand the struggles that come with advancing age and living alone. Throughout our 46-year history, we’ve partnered with hundreds of local businesses who want to help us care for seniors.

DuPage Senior Citizens Council (DSCC) initiates, delivers, monitors, and coordinates services that promote the ability of older persons to live their lives in dignity. DSCC has been serving our community since 1975. The issues our seniors face – like hunger, loneliness, and isolation – are often hidden in plain sight. Part of DSCC’s mission is to educate others on these issues and to generate the awareness and support needed to bring about real solutions.

In normal times, seniors are susceptible to health-related issues related to social isolation. Since COVID-19, seniors are seeing fewer people and don’t see family and friends as often. 

Seniors living alone are susceptible to health-related issues related to social isolation. Since COVID-19, seniors see even fewer people, including less family and friends.

One study shared by AARP said, “Nursing home residents and staff are less than 1% of the U.S. population, yet they make up about 40% of COVID-19 fatalities, setting a record-breaking death rate of roughly 1 in 65 residents lost per month.

Partner with Us

We rely on grants and donations, not tax-payers, to fund the services we provide. By partnering with DSCC, your organization can ensure that seniors who need our services will receive them. 

For information on how easy it is to partner with DSCC, please send an email or contact us at 630-620-0804.

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