The fall season has arrived and with it comes the variety of activities to help make the most of the season. We’re here to give some senior-friendly activities for the fall, with options taking place either outdoors or indoors.

Enjoying the Season Outdoors

While autumn weather brings a chill to the air, there are still ways to enjoy the outdoors safely and comfortably.

  • Take a walk during the early season to enjoy the fall scenery! Bundle up as needed to stay warm, grab some friends, and head over to a local park or explore the neighborhood. Leisurely stroll at a comfortable pace while admiring the changing colors of the leaves. If you have a camera handy, take some breaks every once in a while to capture any memorable sights along the way.
  • Visit a pumpkin patch this fall. Picking out your own pumpkin has become a classic autumn tradition! Get together with friends and/or family to spend the day picking out the perfect pumpkin. Local farms often offer various in-season produce along with pumpkin selections.
  • Find a local fall festival. Many local towns have their own fall festivals involving games, hay rides, or markets filled with in-season produce and treats! Check out local newspapers or activity guides to see if there is one coming up near you.

Staying Cozy Indoors

Sometimes the weather is too chilly to spend time outside, but there are plenty of fall-themed activities to be done indoors.

  • With fall comes seasonal baked goods! Try out new baking recipes or old favorites throughout the season. This is a great activity to enjoy either alone or with friends and family working together. Make some apple pie, pumpkin muffins, or other in-season classics to share with loved ones.
  • Enjoy some fall-themed movies while staying cozy indoors. Gather your loved ones to make it a movie marathon with fall-themed snacks! You can check with your local library to see if they offer any movie selections to check out and enjoy.
  • Set a fall reading goal! It’s always nice to sit inside on a chilly day and crack open a good book. Give yourself a goal of how many books you would like to finish before winter comes around. Check out your local library for fall-themed selections. Some libraries even offer home deliveries in case you don’t feel like going out in the chilly weather. You can also invest in an e-reader and stock up your digital library with a variety of e-books. Some libraries also offer a digital selection, so you can check out books directly from your device.

Tips to Stay Safe and Healthy

As with any activity, it’s important to take the necessary precautions to ensure everyone remains safe and healthy while having fun. Here are some tips for staying comfortable while the weather changes:

  • Dress Appropriately for the Weather – Check the weather either the night before or the morning of your chosen activity to get a sense of what the day will feel like. Wearing layers can ensure you stay warm while spending time outside while also having the option to remove a jacket or a sweater if you end up heading inside for the rest of the day.
  • Don’t Over-Exert Yourself – If you’re moving around a lot while taking a walk or perusing the pumpkin patch, make sure to take occasional breaks to ensure you don’t drain your energy too quickly. Find a nice bench or nearby seating area to recharge while enjoying the sights or cool weather.
  • Avoid Excessive Sun Exposure – No matter the season, we are always vulnerable to exposure to the sun. Cover up when spending extended periods of time in the sun and continue to wear sunscreen all year round!

Making sure you take care of yourself is a great way to make sure you enjoy yourself and stay comfortable throughout the day. Doing activities with a group can also ensure that you’re all looking out for each other and making sure everyone is safe and having a good time.

Happy Autumn from DSCC

However you choose to spend the season, we hope everyone has a happy and safe autumn.