
Are You Ready For Mom?

Your mother has taken care of you for the most important years of your life. She bathed you, dressed you, and fed you. I bet you never thought the day would come when you would have to do the same for her. Thousands of adult children are becoming caregivers for their senior parents for the first time!

Starting From Square One

When you first realized that you are going to be the primary caregiver for your parent, it may have seemed overwhelming or scary. Take a step back and break down your parent’s needs. A parent may need someone there part of the day or may need around the clock care with an in-home nurse. Caregiving can vary and may progress over time. Once you know the type of care a parent needs the hunt for the perfect caregiver begins!

Finding the Care You Need

Everywhere you look; there are new services for seniors! With the population of seniors doubling by 2030, there is a need for more resources and services for seniors. When trying to find a caregiver for a parent, the options can seem endless. If you are having trouble wondering where to start, reach out to a local organization that provides resources on care for seniors. To find caregivers in DuPage and Kane County feel free to call us at 630-620-0804. We are always happy to hear from an adult child who needs help with caregiving services for their parent.

Below are some other resources for adult children in the DuPage or Kane area:

Getting the Home Ready

Now that you have found exactly what mom needs, it is time to make sure your home is ready for her. As we age, simple tasks become more difficult and dangerous. Taking a shower can lead to a life threatening slip and fall. Making a meal can become a serious household hazard. Many times this is overlooked when a child becomes an in-home caregiver.

How DSCC Can Help

If you are an adult child who is worried about your aging parent, we can help make the transition easier for a you with our home delivered meals and minor home repairs services.  This way you do not have to worry “what if…” during the day.

Home Delivered Meals

For the adult children who work during the day and are caregivers by night, it can be exhausting to make sure mom is taken care of while you are at work. Also the constant worrying if the stove was left on or if they have fallen can make any day more stressful.

Eliminate some of the worrying by enrolling in our Meals on Wheels Service. Monday thru Friday your parent will get a hot meal that is 1/3 of the dietary intake for a senior and well-being check to make sure they are safe in their home. This way you can relax and carry on with your day knowing DSCC has got it covered.

Minor Home Repairs

There may be simple home repairs that were needed before mom moved in that did not seem like a big deal. A piece of carpet may have been sticking up or there may be a loose handrail. These items can be a bigger problem for a senior. According to NCOA “Every 11 seconds, an older adult is treated in the emergency room for a fall; every 19 minutes, an older adult dies from a fall. Falls are the leading cause of fatal injury and the most common cause of nonfatal trauma-related hospital admissions among older adults.”

Make sure that all carpets are secure, railings are sturdy and there are clear paths in the home to help reduce the risk of falling. If your home is in need of minor repair that would make it safer for your parent, DuPage Senior Citizens Council offers Minor Home Repair Services to assist with small repairs. For larger repairs, we also offer contractor referrals who can handle larger projects.

Taking on the role of a being, a caregiver can seem like an impossible task, but you do not have to do it alone. There are hundreds of resources and support groups out there for caregivers. If you ever feel like you need a shoulder to lean on, check out local support groups or online groups. These are open spaces where you can talk about the challenges of being a caregiver.

No one said this was going to be easy, but we are here for you. With the help of DSCC and loved ones, you will be able to care for mom just like the way she cared for you.

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